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News: Court rules it is a CRIMINAL offence to sell counterfeit goods in the UK. (Nov/27)

Court rules it is a CRIMINAL offence to sell counterfeit goods in the UK

It has become a Criminal offence within the UK to sell counterfeit goods.  This means that Internet Service Providers are now being forced to help shut down companies selling fake goods. 

Here at Alexia, it was a great struggle to restrict and reduce the amount of Counterfeit websites selling copies of our dresses.  Now the law has been changed, we can take action on a much bigger scale, which in turn, will have a positive impact on the Industry.

Several websites such as are illegally using our Company images from the Alexia Designs website and having girls believe they are buying genuine Alexia dresses.  Now that the ISP’s have to police Trademark Infringement, we feel more confident that less brides will be mis-sold.

Prior to the High Court ruling that ISP’S had to crack down on Counterfeit sales, it was difficult for us to do anything about the websites. We felt the companies would set up again under another name, but now that chain can FINALLY be broken.