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News: Alexia Designs have employed a new member of staff. (Jun/10)

At the end of May we welcomed Andrea Jackson to join our head office as our new Order Processor.


Andrea’s role consists of:


Administration duties

Processing orders on a daily basis

Customer service enquiries


We are excited to have Andrea on board as we now have a very reliable team to keep on top of our rapidly growing dress wholesale business.

Andrea has gained a huge amount of valuable experience at her role prior to Alexia, working for Team McLaren, (Formula 1) where she was a customer service specialist for over three years.  It is already evident that Andrea is hard working and reliable which is a breath of fresh air for us at the European HQ.

At heart Andrea is a rock chick. She is also good friends with the famous comedy act Cannon and Ball and has even helped them to develop their own website and social media channels to keep their fan base up to date with tour dates, video clips and news.

Andrea says: “ I’m looking forward to becoming more involved in the day to day processes within my role here. I’ve been made to feel welcome and it does help being the new face in the office when the people around you are as friendly as they are here.”